Final Clio Wired II Project

Categories: Clio Wired II
I still have a few small changes to make but for the most part my final project for Clio II is finished. I’d like to go back and add a few more primary sources and I still need to fix the gallery of reducing advertisements. Also, the footnotes have mysteriously gone missing on one of my pages so I need to fix that too. I’ll get to those things over the next day or so, but in the meantime you can view it here.

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Final Project Design

Categories: Clio Wired II
I’ve been thinking about the final project and trying to make some decisions about design so that I can finish coding the basics of the site over the next week or so. I’ve decided to do the website on the “Reducing Craze” of 1920. It’ll look at the American Medical Association’s condemnation of quackery in 1927 and the rejection of what was deemed “Reduceosanity”. For fonts I’ve decided on several google fonts that I’ll layer to create a 1920s feel.

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Image Assignment

Categories: Clio Wired II Coursework
I’m all finished with my image assignment. As I’ve been talking about for the last few weeks I used some images from a scrapbook I scanned a few years ago. The images were pretty damaged since they were glued into the scrapbook and were often yellowed and wrinkled. This created quite the challenge for restoration but I think they turned out pretty good or at least far better than they were.

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