
Categories: Clio Wired I
The last couple weeks we’ve been reading about color and the do’s and don’ts of picking a color scheme. I think the reading in White Space is Not Your Enemy was very helpful and got me thinking about the color scheme for the design project. Something that was extremely useful for me was the explanation of the differences between CMYK, PANTONE, and RGB. Prior to reading this I sort of understood the difference just from experience but the reading really pinpointed what each system is for, when to use it, and how it works.

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Final Digital Scholarship Project

Categories: Clio Wired I Coursework
The final version of my Clio Wired Project, “Shifts in Physical Culture,” is online now. It has been quite the process getting everything formatted correctly–I realized after I presented that I had made a mistake and did not included all of the articles when I ran the topic modeling software so I had to adjust that. Overall the results are the same–there is a definite change in the discussion of physical culture between 1932 and 1937.

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Shifts in Physical Culture: A Textual Analysis

Categories: Clio Wired I Coursework
My work of digital scholarship uses Topic Modeling to analyze a set of articles written by Sylvia Ullback, a beauty expert in the 1930s, between 1932 and 1937. Ullback’s articles shift during this period and the change in her discussion of beauty can be seen in the topic models. For more background on Sylvia Ullback and her career see the website for this project. This is a work in progress and I’ll give more detail about the changes tonight in class but here is what I have so far:

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